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Rural Firms - Masterminding a Talent Victory

They are out there,
you just have to find them
Will rural firms ever be a true contender with big city firms when it comes to securing the strongest legal talents? Can they really win the fight over talent? Peter Bird, Managing Director of regional recruitment specialist the Drury Partnership, says “yes”, if firms look closer to home.
“We specialise in sourcing solicitors for rural law firms. More often than not, new clients come to us with similar grievances: they have a great opportunity but can't find someone locally who fits the bill, and although they've received CVs from a recruitment company, they know those CVs have already done the rounds with their competitors."
So what's going wrong? Cities can't always hold the trump card, can they? The Drury Partnership believes that the answer to masterminding a rural talent victory simply lies in asking the right questions.
“A strong strategic element has to come into play,” explains Peter. “Rural firms need to source talent with an existing link to the area; candidates who grew up locally, for example, may be ready to move back.”
The structure of the firm is also important. Prospective candidates want to know the firm's got legs; they want to know that there's plenty of room for career progression, and that the firm has its eyes firmly fixed on the future.
And they’re not the only things rural firms can do: a comprehensive benefits package can also turn heads.
"A firm that thinks outside the box and offers more meaningful benefits than standard packages will make all the difference,” says Peter. “Those that can offer relocation information and support will do even better."